i am just a student...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

KennY RogEr's fan=p

aLLop lengloi and leng cai!

Well folks..so Long la x tulis blog...haVe to arrange my word first...hehe..well, i really want to share you all the picture and story behind the day when Me, Wan, Sham, Yi-pei, Mira and Harvin went to KENNY ROGER..i repeat..KENNY ROGER... to celebrate Wadie's birthdaY!!!yeay!!!he turn 21 oDy..so i think i am one of the youngest housemate rite now...and i'm so proud of it..ahaha...cHheeeeh...huahua..well, that dAy, Guys mmG take time to "make Up".."touch Up"..ahaha..noOO la..actually goT things happened..huahua..So we wEnt to MINES a bit late than whaT we scheduled before..huhu...i think bouT 12.30pm..
Erm...thAt day was eNjoyable fabolous and wonderful suNday we had together...ya LoR...dr terperuk dlm bilik..bEtter eNjoy ma!!!yeay...i ordered half meal+byk lG (x remember wat i ordered)...tHat daY 100+ been paid to KR (combination of our ordered meal..huahua..)..wEll, that's was our first time went out dating ramai2 as frennn...kikiki...first time for this sem (bCoz of commitment to our assignment and so On lOoo)...huhu..let's take a look at ol diZ piC ya!

i took diZ pic fRom behind (oF coZ)...to Show our journEy to kenny ROg have begun...nyam2!

haha..diZ is the "payung Gangster"!beware..hehehe...that was not our umbrella by the way..

Wadi (the bufday Boy)...he is always beruntung onE...happy birthDay bro!

Harvin among the LAPARest there...wAt a biggg appetite...kiddin Harvin..mOOoo..=p

"What?????My gF angelina Jolie is coming???ahaha..aCtually i just make up d dialogue=p

Actually dun miZuNderstand..we r not taking the Big girl's URm..but this tWo couple there..ahaha...so Dramatic la...huahua...

Sesi cErita2...ahaha..daT day our topic was "GHOST"..dunno Who start it first...eEerrgh....

Yi-pEi sharing her Experiences bout GhosT...ahaha..hoW hoRRor the expression she gaVe...horror than the stOry...u still Leng loi ma YI pei!!

i really love thiS pic wheRe everyOne is smiling N laughing...eVenthough that week was among our tension week...huahua..i feel the world still aman...ahaha..peace...

Excuse me...i thought our topic is "GHOST'??why got laughing pulak??ahaha..

Actually diz lil macho boy was our actor for dat day...he played as "children ghost" ahaha..with lil horror thing on his mouth...ganaZz2...hehe..

Soo thankful to Sham n Mira..they the one yg belikan d Choclate Cake...hehe...nice2!

YeaY...wE finiSh makan Ody!!!wat a biG2 meal we have!!!nyam2!!!piring licin maa=p

Still remember that time=p...so happening la our table time tue...full of "colorful" ghost stOry..masin2 gOt their oWn way to tell their stOry..well, kan peOple got their own way to express their feeling, thought and story to other huMan..that's y we r uniQue...i really love human behaviour!!i really appreciate that moment..at least stress hilang looooo....anD i'm happy la bCoz the chicken that was served mmg suPerb!!kenyang!!plus...actually grilled chicken is much more healthier than the deep fried one..(perghhh)sO..if anyone of u wanna go to Kenny Roger...roger me ya!!ahaha..

oooOO ya...------>
(By the way, would like to announce another blog by my fren Geo Allen George. Peep it ppl!~=written by mr Gary)--------->..GARY ARWIN ALBURN DASS my frenn!thanx 4 ur promotion!!really appreciate it bro..siap full name plak..=p..sori=p

Saturday, March 22, 2008



huhu..after d intervention on d morning session we have done at d tadika....me, wadi, sham...mmg sOo tired...tambahan lG...at eveninG..we haD a full rehearsal in ioi Marriot Hotel...dat day was really tiring..but commitment maa..huhu...that friday's night was d college dinner..and the vIp is not calang2 bro...goT our menteri, mr macho pengetua kolej, NC, timbalan NC..and all the final year student...the objective of the dinner was to show appreciation to all the effort made by our senior and our MTM (majlis tertinggi mahasiswa of college)...and that night was superb....splendid...the room 4 make up, fitting room was So damn nice..huhu...and the hotel was really2 unique i have to admit...

Well, we went to rehearsal at 4pm...anD i can see everyone was soOo nervous..so was d Mc 4 d big event....(hazwan-my housemate, ok..kiki)...n trying their beSt to perfoRm...i guess the performance will berjaya laaa...hehee...well...the performance include my duet singing with bro Ashraf, Acustic session (AnnaS anD Ong)..My indian Dance (shakalaka Baby)..and the jari-jemari dancers...oh ya...dat night i got 2 performance..so really2 rushing in "sesi tukar2 baju"...ahaha...anyway...also got sesi penganugerahan....the food also damnnn nice i should say...let's take a look at my collection pic....

ni During the backstage practise...everyone seem sooo nervous...huhu...

Ni Tgh tuNggu turn utk buat rehearsal...hihi...so much do to laaaa....

Me anD vivian..outfit no.1

me n my housemate keyo...outfit no.2

Me...outfit no.3...for the singing duet performance...

me happy in Dotthi n kurta...outfit no.4..hikhik....kanak2 riang..=p

Me n my coZmate Sham...

Suzanne n Me....suZanne x dgr ckp...ahaha..kidding=p

My indian Dance shakalaka team.....colorful iZit????=p

Annas, Ong, Suzanne n me...try to look cutE....cute>>>hehehe...

YeAy....We dh Abes makaNnnnnn..ahaha...wat a meNu they seRved...

N finally...all the college dinner's family in d houSe....yeay!!!

huRm...i really2 hAppy cOz we have dOne our greatest effort that night sOoo far..huhu...it's really tiring but...as long as i gain the experience..i actually dun cAre....i really want to congrate my bro, Gary...he goT d appreciation award too...well..he deserved it laaa....a goOd mTm i must admit!...That Nite we bLk agak lEwat by buS...blk2 tRus ZZZzzz...ahaha...tp x lp bersih badan okAy...kikiki.. ovErall...thE program run smoothly n sOooo formal n eleganT wEh...i can sEE ol fAces were happy with the Dinner....i think it was a successful event thiS sem i should say..conGrate to all Mtm..BoNg/sEow/Gary/KosH/KeYO/MegaT/n sO on...oh ya..and those who are contributing(/Mc-wan n asmara/performer/Usher/n ol bakstage staff)..Good joB guys!.....haha..Well, beside strengthen our friendship...i manage to make some friends doWh...anYway...dat night was a splendid experiences for me...not me alone...i think all of those yg involved..actually it's a great2 platform for us to show our talent i guess, rite?=p...i hope NeXt time theY will invite us to perform again...hooohoo....wish soO..C ya!

Wat a wOnderful Day!!!


WoaR....i mmG bGn Sooooooo eArly...mE slEpt in my Fren (NasE) RooM sO thaT i cAn wAke up eArly..hE's my aLarm cloCk..ahaha..kiDdin bro...=p..Well...dAT daY i havE to wOke Up eaRly..aBout 5.30am to gEt prepared...thE thiNgs..FooD pyrAmiD...DialogUe..cheCklisT... Actually ouR Group's held a health pRomotion intervention pRogram -"Healthy Diet, Bright Children"...the pLace ar?ooo..it's at the Tadika neaR AmpanG...huhu...I am Very2 nErvous..siNce i am d presidEn..in my heArt,(slalu Dub2 Dab2 all the time) i reAlly2 hope that our proGram will run smoothly bCOz i noE everYone is trying and wOrking realyy hard jusT for diZ progRam...aNywaY..it end up successfully!!!hihikk...well, we actually combined wif my hoUsemate's (Wan) group,...they doinG the oral heAtlh program at d same place and same day, oF couRse...wEll...let's take a loooK at all diZ marvelous piC i tOok during the intervention...ahaha...

Mira n Yi-pEi...MiSs pYramiD in d houSe..ehehehe...

Meet my Fren mR PyramiD...ahaha...he sAid: hallo!!

Me n Ah yi...in Action wiF d cuTeeee chilDren!=p loVe them soO much!

Oh My..SEe hoW Cute theM all..Mcm poKemon..ahaha....woARrrr...

Me Tgh intErvene a ChilD ttG whiCh one is healthy..nyahehe...he chooSe choColate!what the...

Me n LutFan...So Sayang Him...i wiSh my sOn camnie...ahaha=p..loVe d dinosAur too...=p

Ni kuMpulan Gangster2 semalaysia...ahaha....PuppEt we usEd during our progrAm=p

Me n Little Lutfan...hehehe...PuppeT2...oNe little two litte...ahaha...

Me wiF lutFan again...aiyo..budak ni manja laaaa...

Kanak2 ribenna...sy pun termasuk ok...ahaha...

Ok Bro2...mEh kiTa blajar cR2 minum coke..oOps...cR Berus Gigi yg bTul..ahaha...

Para Miss2 jelita sDg Gosok Gigi...huhuhuhu....wAT the...

A symbOlic oF appreciatioN=p

YeAy!!!!finisH succEssfully!!well dOne Guys!!gOOd joB!=p

huhu..well...u noe, hoW gLad i am...all dh oVer n pass, huhu...i hoPe all oUr effoRt will be blessed..thaT day mmd SO00oo damn tired man, but i truly relievEd dat we managed to Finish it le....duRing the interventioN..me terfikir what a beatiful creation child can be...huhu...their eyes are sOooo innoCent indicate hoW pure they heart are in living in thiS crazy world..huahua...buT x tau la bSar nnt hoW..buT i'm SOo sAd to wHat happEn to oTher chilDren aroUnd d woRld..yalo...newspaper told us many crazy, unbelievable story involving children, like thoSe yg suffer from war oR starvatioN...huRm...buT...ap2 pun ...i think theSe children should be proteCt that they are mmg innocent, they are like a crystal(i guess la)...need to be taken care...u lepas them...they broke anD become nothing...u hold them on...eventhough u susah or penat nk pegang....u actually produce and hold on to them to become the person who are pure in heart...huhu...waT a woRd...ahaha..wEll...aS 4 LutFan..(a.ka..my son)...ahaha..really sayAng d boy laaa.....i wish my son cmtu laaa...huhu...cuTe2 n manja plak tu..ahaha...mmG untung la d parents...he oni 3 years old....but whaTeva it is, ouR program dh HABIS...yeay!!!!=p

Saturday, March 15, 2008

MkSP Dinner08

13mac08- it's a special occasion happened=p..well last thursday was our very special mksp dinner..Majlis Kebudayaan dan keSenian Putra dinner was held at d palm garden hotel and the food i should say wow!!!very full la..haha...i really had a good time with Sharmela, prem, Gary, and wadi...plus, vicky, Kalai, Palani and some seniors..=p..well that day i pakai oni jeans wif a "cowboy" shirt!!!!..(ahaha..that's wat prem called...and a "traveller" outfit, said wadi)...hehehe..watever it is, the food is number 1!!!..hehehe...well.i tell u..there's a couple of "dewi2" there(cantik weh), u noe wat i mean rite=p?..hikhik..So beside cuci2 mata...(which was normally guys did rite..ahaha..)i really2 happy to hV experienced wat it's like to be in indian dinner..ya lo, frankly speaking..it was a lil nervous sometimes when u are surrounded with all Indians..but it's all just for a while laaaa and i have to say i respect their "ikatan kekeluargaan" coz it was really2 strong weh..salute la!n the performance there mmg superb..kikiki(specially the putra kalakshektra one..magesh2)...well, i met some new friends i met during mksp like okash(who taught me the "mj" steps..hihi) and "romeo" dancers that night...it's kinda enjoyble how different culture can sit n laugh together with lots of topic under one roof..hup2 horray! that's wat i call Malaysia..i am not an "alien" at all..but a family to them...i was thinking if i can be considered as "half-indian" or not..ahahah..kidding la...well, here are some pix which i managed to take during the dinner...

Prem, her friend and sham...what a nice dress guys..kikiki..

Diz was the scenario during the dinner..hehehe...

The cowboy(aiyo masamnya=p),prem,Shamwadi and gary...are happy sebab perut dh kenyang=p

hahah..really love diz pix..semua ni peminat sharmela..ahahaha=p..they all pretty funny!=p

haha=p..we oso dpt sourvenir from the dinner...thanX so much...hihihi=p

Erm...we r not in d pub rite???huhuhu=p

Well, i really2 enjoy to b part of the mksp appreciation dinner..i never imagined to b part of one indian occasion and i am sOO00oo happy to experienced it..haha..well..i'm suRE u guys will enjoy it man if u r in my shoes
...in my oPinion..it really doesn't matter in what culture or races we r or watever religion or principle we r in..as long as we appreciate those that appreciate us...u will sure never walk alone laa and that's i call maturity man..and one more thing...different races oso want us to be part of them le...so we should really respect others and plzzz throw all the negative pschOoo thinking as they oSo can be our "family and good fren"....as for me...sure i will come again maaa...especially the food and...!!!hihihihi...peace!!!=p

Sunday, March 9, 2008

i Bet it will be interesting=p

8maC 2008---
This is the moment for all citizen of malaysian have been waiting for..
it's PILIHAN RAYA!!!! waa...mmg sOoo meriah..actually i am not d kind of person that is soooo interested in politics stuff but..hey..i'm soOooo setia to sit, eat n listen to the result of SPR yesterday man (it's when i'm hangin out wif Adrian , Gary, Henry, Predid n Felix after mass)...i heard there's a group of my friends (gurlsss) siap tunggu the SPR result smpai pkul 4am man...Wat an excited Citizen...ahaha..well..i'm so glad that our election gone so well (i guess)...but diz time i bet it will be interesting yo..as d Pembangkang..ya lo DAP, PAS, PKR..hoho..all win big le...i'm soo suprise with their winning...noe wat...Tak sangka selangor is in PKR, PAS's hand..it's quite a shock to me yo..plus++++....Sammi vellu kalah weh..i'm kinda sad a bit bCoz almost 9 years pertahankan d kerusi..but hey, it's somebody turn nOw mybe jeyakumar can burst a bit modernization, huhu..i heard that his supporters really cried for him (Sammi) dowh..huhu..Sahrizat and Zainuddin (menteri penerangan) also lose and it really made me wonder woo..wat is happenning..a nu era has come???huhuhu...My place which is Kk (if i'm not mistaken) is taken by DAP oso..i heard the same as in Penang..siap nk tukar Chief Minister lg weh...nk combine wif PKR n PAS..huhu...but overall, federal again won by BN..it's a relieve for people i guess..huhu...i have took some pic during my puting session in mines with my housemates here (Syah n Wadi)....erm...sorry 4 da blurrr pix yo..=p

So sorry 4 d blur2 pix ya..diz pix i took during my outing happy hour time..actually it is nearlly 12am oredi..we were waiting for u42 bus..so slow..haiyo...=p

Well...in my opinion, it will come to a moment were sometimes Government have to be warned and alarmed so that everyone will "buat kerja"..huhu..in our nation, we have to have Government and opposition laaa...cmtu br boleh stable rite? different in opinion and view is actually a way to develop our country to be more like "step ahead" scenario in our politics...huhu...actually as wat our Pak Lah said..Defeat is part of democracy..haha..i love u Pak Lah..now that's what i call a positive n matured Politics...ahahah....Well...people x salah..undi adalah rahsia maaaa....

4 more info...http://malaysiakini.aizuikmal.com/

Saturday, March 8, 2008

New Need Up in The House!!

My..mY...it's been while since the last time i wrote..eRm...aCtually i don't haVe any idea to write here le..still arranging my word here..haha..well..last saturday (2mac08), was my firrrst touch rugby tournament in padang B (in front of kosass or astaka seni~~for thoSe upm,haha)..erm..it was an open tournament, so there's soooo many "otai" team have joined...let's see..erm..black hawK (with their superb muscle..err..), politeknik Merlimau, kolej 12 /10..sO on..actually frankly speaking,i've been playing rugby (real one) since i was in secondary school...well for about 4 years,(4 years????)terhenti bcoz of commitment..huhu..br ak dpt men tau!i'm sOOoooo excited to join this team as walaupun kureng ckEt my skill, dh "gemuk"..ahaha..but still got spirit to play, oh ya..well let's check out my real rugby team 4 years ago..hihi..

This is my Centipede Team 4 years aGo..otai Beb!hehe(sTill rEmember all d craZy stuff that we did man!)

aFter 4 yearS!!!new team~~new need Up!(supposed Gary my fRen is here laa, he's great!)

(From behind left: Syahir,Syah, Khalil , Nasier, Su our manager, Me, Taq, Bro Khai, Mahfuz n Bijan!=p)

Para Macho sdg berlatih..hehe..diz was before d tournament...still can joking around maa..(bijan~~love ur peruTz!!=p)

haaa..diz was during d tOurnament against k12, one of the strongest team~~ (i still figuring out..whAt the hell am i doing tepi2 there?lol..=p..Cn u sEe bRo khai there??Nice Dummy man!)

Waiting 4 d neXt match (we got 8 match dat day yO)..

NooOo..our food..ahaha..diz is Bijan, our good fren a.k.a transporter, thanx to him we can come to the tournament on time, really helpful person,thanx bro!!=p

HAa..That is TaQ (holding ball)..he is our hero in this team..i tell u, he is a real super sprinter man...i wonder if motorcycle can catch him??huhu..

yeS3..c that botol air??ahaha..We've won the Spoon category finally..so proud la..the beautiful girl is our manager(hehehe)..she is a responsible Suhaila..=p Thanx su!

A tiring day, i must say..hehe..i must admit that i'm soo proud with this Team (New Need Up)..it's not about the winning team..but ourself!..i think we have done our very best here... really unpredictable to win and grab at least botol air..kikiki..but..i must say that we r one of the strongest team here..hehe..we didn't wear any jersey, we didn't stick to one position and still blur2 dkt padang..but one thing we really sure are TEAMWORK SPIRIT, that's all!!!SO to nEw Need UP (bro khai, Taq, Nasier, Khalil, Syah, sYahir, Mahfuz, and...Gary!!!u in ya!!) nXt time..go 4 Cup plak..hehe...p/s x tau plak time tournament, girls ada dtg watch,nyahehe..well..So proud of iT=p