WoaR....i mmG bGn Sooooooo eArly...mE slEpt in my Fren (NasE) RooM sO thaT i cAn wAke up eArly..hE's my aLarm cloCk..ahaha..kiDdin bro...=p..Well...dAT daY i havE to wOke Up eaRly..aBout 5.30am to gEt prepared...thE thiNgs..FooD pyrAmiD...DialogUe..cheCklisT... Actually ouR Group's held a health pRomotion intervention pRogram -"Healthy Diet, Bright Children"...the pLace ar?ooo..it's at the Tadika neaR AmpanG...huhu...I am Very2 nErvous..siNce i am d presidEn..in my heArt,(slalu Dub2 Dab2 all the time) i reAlly2 hope that our proGram will run smoothly bCOz i noE everYone is trying and wOrking realyy hard jusT for diZ progRam...aNywaY..it end up successfully!!!hihikk...well, we actually combined wif my hoUsemate's (Wan) group,...they doinG the oral heAtlh program at d same place and same day, oF couRse...wEll...let's take a loooK at all diZ marvelous piC i tOok during the intervention...ahaha...
Mira n Yi-pEi...MiSs pYramiD in d houSe..ehehehe...
Meet my Fren mR PyramiD...ahaha...he sAid: hallo!!
Me n Ah yi...in Action wiF d cuTeeee chilDren!=p loVe them soO much!
Oh My..SEe hoW Cute theM all..Mcm poKemon..ahaha....woARrrr...
Me Tgh intErvene a ChilD ttG whiCh one is healthy..nyahehe...he chooSe choColate!what the...
Me n LutFan...So Sayang Him...i wiSh my sOn camnie...ahaha=p..loVe d dinosAur too...=p
Ni kuMpulan Gangster2 semalaysia...ahaha....PuppEt we usEd during our progrAm=p
Me n Little Lutfan...hehehe...PuppeT2...oNe little two litte...ahaha...
Me wiF lutFan again...aiyo..budak ni manja laaaa...
Kanak2 ribenna...sy pun termasuk ok...ahaha...
Ok Bro2...mEh kiTa blajar cR2 minum coke..oOps...cR Berus Gigi yg bTul..ahaha...
Para Miss2 jelita sDg Gosok Gigi...huhuhuhu....wAT the...
A symbOlic oF appreciatioN=p
YeAy!!!!finisH succEssfully!!well dOne Guys!!gOOd joB!=p
Meet my Fren mR PyramiD...ahaha...he sAid: hallo!!
Me n Ah yi...in Action wiF d cuTeeee chilDren!=p loVe them soO much!
Oh My..SEe hoW Cute theM all..Mcm poKemon..ahaha....woARrrr...
Me Tgh intErvene a ChilD ttG whiCh one is healthy..nyahehe...he chooSe choColate!what the...
Me n LutFan...So Sayang Him...i wiSh my sOn camnie...ahaha=p..loVe d dinosAur too...=p
Ni kuMpulan Gangster2 semalaysia...ahaha....PuppEt we usEd during our progrAm=p
Me n Little Lutfan...hehehe...PuppeT2...oNe little two litte...ahaha...
Me wiF lutFan again...aiyo..budak ni manja laaaa...
Kanak2 ribenna...sy pun termasuk ok...ahaha...
Ok Bro2...mEh kiTa blajar cR2 minum coke..oOps...cR Berus Gigi yg bTul..ahaha...
Para Miss2 jelita sDg Gosok Gigi...huhuhuhu....wAT the...
A symbOlic oF appreciatioN=p
YeAy!!!!finisH succEssfully!!well dOne Guys!!gOOd joB!=p
huhu..well...u noe, hoW gLad i am...all dh oVer n pass, huhu...i hoPe all oUr effoRt will be blessed..thaT day mmd SO00oo damn tired man, but i truly relievEd dat we managed to Finish it le....duRing the interventioN..me terfikir what a beatiful creation child can be...huhu...their eyes are sOooo innoCent indicate hoW pure they heart are in living in thiS crazy world..huahua...buT x tau la bSar nnt hoW..buT i'm SOo sAd to wHat happEn to oTher chilDren aroUnd d woRld..yalo...newspaper told us many crazy, unbelievable story involving children, like thoSe yg suffer from war oR starvatioN...huRm...buT...ap2 pun ...i think theSe children should be proteCt that they are mmg innocent, they are like a crystal(i guess la)...need to be taken care...u lepas them...they broke anD become nothing...u hold them on...eventhough u susah or penat nk pegang....u actually produce and hold on to them to become the person who are pure in heart...huhu...waT a woRd...ahaha..wEll...aS 4 LutFan..(a.ka..my son)...ahaha..really sayAng d boy laaa.....i wish my son cmtu laaa...huhu...cuTe2 n manja plak tu..ahaha...mmG untung la d parents...he oni 3 years old....but whaTeva it is, ouR program dh HABIS...yeay!!!!=p
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