HyE tHeRe!!
wEll..i reaLly2 ePPy 4 prOduciNg mY imaGinatioN to reAlity dkT diZ bloG... eRm..eVery cHapter oF my liFe N i rEally wAnt tO sHare wiF u GuyZ ol mY (nYaheHe)StOriEs aS aN OrdiNary StudEnt hEre..i rEally aPpreCiate my liFe.. i meAn dAt yO...haHa..i HopE all of u wiLL B eNjoY n Know mE beTTer buDdy!! oo..haha..wEll..lEt's Rolls up The Scene..mAri3..haha=p
wEll..i reaLly2 ePPy 4 prOduciNg mY imaGinatioN to reAlity dkT diZ bloG... eRm..eVery cHapter oF my liFe N i rEally wAnt tO sHare wiF u GuyZ ol mY (nYaheHe)StOriEs aS aN OrdiNary StudEnt hEre..i rEally aPpreCiate my liFe.. i meAn dAt yO...haHa..i HopE all of u wiLL B eNjoY n Know mE beTTer buDdy!! oo..haha..wEll..lEt's Rolls up The Scene..mAri3..haha=p
comelnya gmbr sir geo...neway good 4u u strtd a blog...sy enth ble nk strt
ahaha..ThnX =p..u suD start oSO..=p
ha...sy nampak geo pakai sarung!!!
anyway..jan lupa sy ah...nant kt p bercuti lg sama kawan2...
apapun...tahniah atas kemunculan blog Geo!!!! glamer la tia lama lg...
fz :D
geo...he's my cosmate n housemtae..ops,not housemate anymore...
very attractive person...
very friendly also...
easy to talk with him...
especially when u have problem,he anytime can share it with u...
i think i am very lucky to meet and know this guy...
Wannnn...thanX weh...terharu ak dGr.....u r my Good housemate oso weh....huhu...housemate rules!!!
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